What is MS disease? It is an autoimmune disease that affects the nerve cells. What are the causes of MS disease? These are actually debatable depending on the research you encounter. The immune system is designed to protect the body against intruding viruses, bacteria, and other diseases. However, in the case of MS patients, the immune system actually attacks healthy nerve cells within the brain and spinal cord. The white blood cells of the immune system are sent to destroy the myelin sheath on nerve cells.

This protective coating is supposed to aid in transmitting signals to allow the brain and body work together. As the sheath is attacked, inflammation occurs. If the damage continues, the myelin coating is no longer able to effectively transmit electrical impulses and parts of the body stop functioning properly.

Genetics, environmental factors, and other viruses have all been thought to be cause of MS disease. Although a direct link between genetics and MS hasn’t been found, researches feel an elevated risk occurs for siblings of a person diagnosed with MS. As for environmental contributors, the lack of vitamin D seems to be a promising aspect of MS research. Countries located in areas where sunshine isn’t as prevalent tend to have more cases of MS within the population. Since vitamin D is manufactured in the body via the sun’s rays, the correlation between MS disease and a vitamin D deficiency seems possible.

The Epstein-Barr virus, chicken pox, and the hepatitis vaccine are all thought to increase the risk of MS in a person. In a fairly recent study, the antibodies created by the Epstein-Barr virus, have been present in the majority of individuals diagnosed with MS. These individuals had mono at some point in their life and researchers are trying to find out if the two truly are connected.


MS Disease Symptoms to be Aware of


Symptoms of MS disease are numerous and many mimic those seen in other diseases and illnesses. Common early signs of MS include; double vision, loss of balance, tingling, numbness, and weakness in limbs. Less common symptoms include; cognitive difficulties, slurred speech, lack of coordination, and sudden paralysis. Each person is affected by MS differently, which means some of these symptoms might manifest and be mild or many of them could appear and be severe.

Additional symptoms might include; fatigue, muscle spasms, sensitivity to heat, difficulty swallowing, burning sensation of the skin, tremors, or loss of bladder and bowel control. MS disease treatment for these symptoms is provided by a number of prescribed medications. Learning what is MS disease and what the causes of MS disease are will help reduce a lot of the frustration behind being diagnosed with MS.