The Multiple Sclerosis immune system doesn’t function the way it should, thus the presence of this disease. People who have been diagnosed with an MS immune system that malfunctions experience multiple symptoms that come and go, sometimes for years at a time. These symptoms can range from mild to severe and up to 50 are connected to Multiple Sclerosis. The immune system is supposed to protect the human body, but in a person with MS, it does damage instead. White blood cells within the immune system are sent to attack infections, viruses, and other illnesses to keep the body healthy. However, in an MS patient, these beneficial cells end up attacking the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord instead.

When the nerve cells are under attack, the outer covering on the cell is damaged and becomes inflamed. This process is known as demyelination, which gets its name directly from the act taking place. The white blood cells actually begin to strip the myelin sheath off of the nerve cell. The outer coating is there to protect the cell and to help electrical signals between the brain and body to be effectively transmitted. Symptoms arise because of this demyelination process. As lesions, or scarring, forms on the damaged nerve cells, the electrical signals become less efficient. The result of the presence of many lesions can be in the form of muscle spasms, weakness in limbs, partial paralysis, slurred speech, numbness, tingling, blurred vision, or blindness. A number of additional symptoms can arise as well, due to the demyelination process.


How to Manage Symptoms Caused by the Immune System


Over-the-counter and prescription drugs are available for just about any type of MS symptom there is. During early diagnosis, MS is generally at the stage where it will go into remission for long periods of time and no symptoms will be present. People with this type of MS are prescribed medication to prevent relapses from occurring. However, if a relapse should occur, doctors prescribe medications to take care of specific symptoms. Unfortunately there isn’t a drug that will alleviate all symptoms at the same time.

Physical therapy has helped people with MS as well. Exercising and eating a low-fat diet have both also shown to not only relieve many symptoms, but also to help an individual with MS remain healthy and pain-free for long periods of time.

The Multiple Sclerosis immune system can be a tricky part of the body to manage, but it is possible. One day researchers hope to find a way to prevent the MS immune system from ever causing a multitude of uncomfortable symptoms again.