Many people who suffer from MS look into Multiple Sclerosis cooling equipment in order to help them maintain a good body temperature. Patients who are affected by MS are very sensitive to heat and usually use a number of MS cooling methods. A common way to do so is to consumptions of cool fluids. Hydration is extremely important as it allows the body to use perspiration to regulate the body’s temperature until it is comfortable. A good method to use is to suck on frozen juice pops and munch on some ice chips. It is also good to stay indoors in order to utilize air conditioning and prevent overheating.

Another way to keep cool is to take cool showers, or swim in a pool, as this will quickly lower the temperature of the body. Certain other methods use cooling products such as special vests that have pockets for ice packs as well as certain vests which use battery operated systems to reduce the absorption of ambient heat as well as certain scarves, wristbands, and hats that incorporate in their lining cooling gel.


How a Multiple Sclerosis Cooling Vest Works


Heat makes the symptoms of MS worse; so many patients use a cooling vest in order to avoid overheating. These vests are usually simple garments with pockets to place ice packs into, but there are models on the market with complex battery operated cooling systems. Regardless of the type, the idea is to prevent overheating.

In certain climates with low humidity levels, the best type of a vest will be one that uses the evaporation method for cooling. It is important to know that it does not lower the temperature of the body; rather, it absorbs heat from surrounding areas. Chemical vest in specific are used to absorb heat higher than 82 degrees and work for about four hours, after which they need to be recharged by being in a room that is less than 82 degrees.


Utilizing Multiple Sclerosis Cooling Vests and other Products


It is important to know that the heat intolerance that comes with MS can be deadly. In some cases, certain individuals have even died because they were unable to get away from the heat when their bodies overheated because they were either tanning or enjoying a hot tub. For that reason, it is important to use Multiple Sclerosis cooling products and methods in order to regulate their body temperature.

The main reason to use Multiple Sclerosis cooling items is so the patient can enjoy time outdoors more and participate in such activities as various sports, games, family gatherings, hiking, picnics, and more.