Researchers believe Multiple Sclerosis is a disease caused by a number of MS genetic and environmental factors. Multiple Sclerosis genetic factors aren’t considered to be hereditary causes of MS, but certain variations among a person’s genes might possibly increase the risk of developing MS. For instance, an individual who already has a family member with Multiple Sclerosis is more likely to be diagnosed with MS as well. It seems the highest percentage of risk lies between parents, children, and siblings. So a person who is a twin has a 35 percent chance of being diagnosed with MS if his/her twin sibling has tested positive for MS, while a half sibling has only a 5 percent chance of being diagnosed with the disease.

Studies have shown a specific group of genes might be a factor in causing MS. The genes in chromosome 6 seem to increase the probability that a person will develop Multiple Sclerosis. Besides this multiple sclerosis genetic link, certain ethnic groups also tend to be more prone to developing Multiple Sclerosis than others. People who can trace back their genes to those found in the original group of Vikings tend to make up a large group of MS patients. However, the Sami and the Lapps have very few cases of MS among their ethnic group.


Is MS Genetic or Hereditary?


So, is Multiple Sclerosis genetic? Possibly. Is it hereditary? Unlikely.

Researchers believe there are multiple factors in charge of the occurrence of MS, some have to do with the genetic makeup of an individual and the others include environmental factors and past illnesses. The MS genetic risk factor is there, but it isn’t extremely high. Environmental factors of MS are those of non-infectious and infectious origin. Such factors include; a lack of vitamin D, stress, smoking, vaccines, diet, and hormones within the body.

Microbes from past illnesses seem to be more of a factor than Multiple Sclerosis genetic inheritance. Researchers have found a strong connection between the Epstein-Barr virus and MS. One particular report stated each MS patient tested positive for the antibodies created in the body to fight the Epstein-Barr virus. This doesn’t mean that everyone with mono will eventually develop MS as well. It simply means there is more to this disease than only Multiple Sclerosis genetic risk factors to consider. MS genetic research will continue until this disease has been cured. The Multiple Sclerosis genetic information obtained already has been extremely valuable in getting closer to the goal of eradicating MS once and for all.