An MS attack can be treated by medications known as glucocorticoids especially in cases of a Multiple Sclerosis attack by Relapsing MS. There are four types of medications which are commonly given to RRMS patients. These medications are: interferon beta-1a, interferon beta-1b, glatiramer acetate, and natalizumab. These drugs are supposed to prevent the progression of this disease and are usually injected; however, a medication taken orally called Fingolimod is also available.

The purpose of these medications is to help reduce the frequency of attacks and the disability level of Remitting Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis patients, however, another purpose of these medications is to lower the rate of relapses presence of lesions created on the brain and the spinal cord. Scientists are searching for ways to prevent remitting relapsing MS from becoming one of the more advanced stages of MS. They are also hoping to someday soon eliminate MS altogether.


Symptoms of MS Attack


MS attack symptoms are divided into 3 groups called primary, secondary, and tertiary. Each one of these groups leads to the next. To illustrate, one of the primary symptoms is loss of bladder control. The secondary symptom that develops from this one could be a urinary tract infection. A tertiary symptom would be the psychological stress and embarrassment felt from these previous symptoms. When it comes to treatment, treating the primary symptoms is meant to reduce the need to treat the secondary or tertiary symptoms as well.

There are many symptoms experienced by MS patients, however a short list of most commonly experienced early symptoms is as follows: tingling, numbness of a limb or the face, a loss of balance, seeing double or blurry, or feeling weakness in the arms, legs, hands, or feet. Other less common but still possible symptoms includes the following: cognitive difficulties, slurred speech, lack of coordination, or a sudden occurrence of paralysis of a limb or limbs.

What is important to understand about Multiple Sclerosis attack symptoms is that they can come and go for months or even years at a time. Many people who end up diagnosed with MS recall having these symptoms for a long time before they ever talked to a doctor.

When it comes to symptoms of a MS attack it is important to know that they can get worse if they are not treated. Multiple Sclerosis attack primary symptoms will grow into secondary and tertiary symptoms. These symptoms can be: muscle spasms, fatigue, sexual dysfunction, heat intolerance, or changes in perception.