Tag: causes of MS disease

What is MS Disease and the Causes of MS Disease?

What is MS disease? It is an autoimmune disease that affects the nerve cells. What are the causes of MS disease? These are actually debatable depending on the research you encounter. The immune system is designed to protect the body against intruding viruses, bacteria, and other diseases. However, in the case of MS patients, the immune system actually attacks healthy nerve cells within the brain and spinal cord. The white blood cells of the immune system are sent to destroy the myelin sheath on nerve cells.

This protective coating is supposed to aid in transmitting signals to allow the brain and body work together. As the sheath is attacked, inflammation occurs. If the damage continues, the myelin coating is no longer able to effectively transmit electrical impulses and parts of the body stop functioning properly.

Genetics, environmental factors, and other viruses have all been thought to be cause …

Causes of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Symptoms

A lack of communication between the brain and the body is one of the main causes of Multiple Sclerosis. As for the causes of MS symptoms, the location of lesions is what dictates the types of symptoms displayed. The brain and the body are unable to communicate with one another when the myelin sheath is damaged on the outside of nerve cells. MS is an autoimmune disease, which means the immune system attacks the body and causes damage. Sometimes the myelin sheath can repair itself, if the damage is minimal. The outer covering on nerve cells is how signals are transmitted back and forth between the body and the brain, once these signals are no longer able to be received; a number of bodily functions are compromised.

MRI scans can locate current and past damage to nerve cells, but sometimes the disease must be present for quite some time …

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