Like the name suggests, the Myelin Repair Foundation conducts research into myelin repair for patients with the degenerative disease multiple sclerosis.  Multiple sclerosis is one of the many different diseases that affects the nervous system.  The disease causes demyelination in the body, which means destruction of the myelin sheath that protects the nerves.  Currently, there is no known way to reconstruct myelin that has been destroyed.  There is only medication available to slow the demyelination process down.  One of the main goals of the Myelin Repair Foundation is to find a way to repair damaged myelin in order to restore the nervous system and reduce symptoms.

Demyelination is the main cause of symptomatic problems in the neurological disease multiple sclerosis.  It can cause many different problems, such as tingling and numbness in the limbs and face, problems with vision, mobility issues, and widespread pain.  By eliminating destruction of the myelin …