Steroids occur naturally in the human body.  So why the controversy about Multiple Sclerosis steroids used in MS therapy?  Of all the steroid types – glucocorticosteroids, mineralcorticosteroids, androgens and progestins, the glucocorticosteroids, or glucocorticoids are normally used as part of any therapy for treating relapses of Multiple Sclerosis. Steroids of this group are produced by the adrenal glands and are present in the body as cortisone and hydrocortisone.  These cortisones have an immunosuppressive effect of deactivating the white blood cells known as T-cells.  T-cell reduction is also the effect desired in many other drugs currently in trial stages.  The interest in MS steroids in treatment is that these white blood cells are primarily responsible for the damage done by MS.  All this is to say that reducing the white blood cell count would reduce the severity and the frequency of relapse of MS, steroids being a good way to do …