Tag: multiple sclerosis fatigue treatment

Multiple Sclerosis and Fatigue

Multiple sclerosis and fatigue happen to be closely associated in a large number of MS patients. This inextricable association between multiple sclerosis and fatigue complicates the lives of the MS patients considerably.

One of the distinctions of fatigue in multiple sclerosis patients is that it is more pervasive and debilitating than typical fatigue. To anybody looking for parallels to the fatigue associated with multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome is probably most apt. Multiple sclerosis fatigue and CFS are similar in the sense that patients with either condition are always fatigued, no matter what the situation. Hour of sleep do not relieve either form of fatigue. In addition, the fatigue extends beyond the physical realm: patients experience mental exhaustion and cognitive difficulties (difficulty concentrating and remembering). Patients with either condition also experience muscular weakness and depression.

There are, however, many distinctions between the two conditions. For one, they have distinctly different …

Understanding the importance of multiple sclerosis fatigue treatment.

Multiple sclerosis fatigue treatment is one of the most sought-after MS treatment subsets today. This is for a good reason, considering multiple sclerosis fatigue is one of the most severe and common symptoms of MS.

Unfortunately, as MS becomes a more common illness as generations pass, few people seem to truly understand this disease. People still take the myths about this disease to be truths without question, and therefore the myths and legends about MS continue to endure – this worsens things.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that is caused when the insular material around nerves, called myelin, begins to break down and form holes. This process is known as demyelination. This process itself is not painful, nor is an individual even aware of the process directly. However, as the nerves lose their insulation, the electrical signals to the body begin to diminish. When this happens, the various parts of …

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