MS weakness and MS fatigue are not the same thing. However, some would argue that multiple sclerosis weakness and fatigue are strongly associated. The distinction between the two lies in the fact that MS fatigue is a term encompassing a wide range of symptoms, including physical symptoms and cognitive symptoms. In comparison, MS weakness is far more restrictive. It refers specifically to multiple sclerosis muscle weakness, the weakness that strikes the muscles of MS patients as the disease progresses.

Multiple sclerosis weakness manifests in the patients’ muscles. However, it arises from problems within the nerves. Because the nerves are damaged by the degenerative demyelination processes associated with MS, some of them can no longer transmit messages to the muscles well. Hence, the muscles act more feebly than they otherwise would. Any attempts on the part of MS patients to use their muscles consequently require overexertion.

Understandably, this exhausts the patients. …