There are many debilitating conditions associated with this autoimmune disease; however, multiple sclerosis spasms are one of the most severe symptoms that an individual can experience. MS spasms occur when there is a loss of muscle tone causing stiffness, pain and restricted movement of affected limbs and body parts. Due to this condition, the individual may experience pain, numbness, tingling or a dulling pain throughout their body and extremities. These symptoms can cause physical disability in cases of severe onset of these symptoms. This health condition can cause a wide variety of physical symptoms that interfere with an individual’s lifestyle and normal routine.


Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis Spasms


Multiple sclerosis spasms may be accompanied by electrical impulses sent throughout the body, which is better known as Lhermitte’s sign. This occurs when the individuals move their neck, which triggers electrical sensations to be felt throughout the body and extremities. …