Tag: MS onset

MS Onset

A number of symptoms are associated with the average patient’s MS onset. They include numbness and tingling in the extremities as well as other neurological symptoms. However, the severity of the symptoms, their progression and other nuances vary between patients.


Why a Patient’s MS Onset May Take a While to Become Apparent


As with many medical conditions, MS is not necessarily evident from the get-go. A given patient may develop a variety of symptoms over time, never thinking to associate them with each other. It is only much later, after the patient has been diagnosed with MS and has started to do some research on the disease, that he or she may realize that the earliest of those symptoms were actually indications of his or her MS onset. Thus, one patient may speak of experiencing numbness in the legs, developing an unsteady gait and feeling fatigue as …

Understanding MS and the truth about MS onset age.

MS onset age is one of the many aspects of multiple sclerosis that is misunderstood. Myths about MS are often taken to be fact by general people, and as a result, the disease is often more dangerous and problematic due to these misgivings.

People think the average age of MS onset is over 60, which is not true whatsoever. Many cases of MS in children have been documented, and the disease is now known to be able to manifest in pretty much anyone. There is some debate on whether or not the disease is hereditary (not unlike debates over this in cancer).

One of the biggest problems is that people don’t really understand what MS is, or why it causes such body-wide problems in the first place.


Understanding MS and knowing why there’s no definite MS onset age.


The age of MS onset is hard to pinpoint with …

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