Starting in 2003, March became designated as the MS Month used to promote awareness of MS. The state of Florida held the first ever campaign for Multiple Sclerosis Month in the city of Ft. Lauderdale. This city also happens to be where the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation has its headquarters. Since this initial campaign, MS Awareness Month activities, events, and gatherings have popped up all over the US. MS is a disease with many symptoms that aren’t visible, yet it can still become a severely debilitating disease. The scope of Multiple Sclerosis is broad, leaving a lot of unanswered questions for many people, especially those who aren’t directly connected with MS.

Anyone who wishes to get involved with promoting MS awareness during the month of March can do so by contacting the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.  Awareness Kits are available from MSF for free. These can be used to enable people to …