The use of LDN Multiple Sclerosis therapy is growing by leaps and bounds. LDN, or Low Dose Naltrexone, treatment is growing in large part due to word of mouth. There are multiple forums on LDN MS treatment online and all one has to do is a Google search and dozens of these groups can be found in minutes.   New Horizons newsletter (a publication of the Brewer Science Library) has also featured this Multiple Sclerosis off-label use where it gained further exposure.


What is LDN MS treatment?


LDN Multiple Sclerosis treatment is the off-label use of the drug Naltrexone.  Originally approved for treating opiate addiction, Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist, meaning that it interferes with the normal effects of drugs like morphine and heroin. By blocking the pleasurable effects the opiates have on the receptor cells in the brain, the addict will not experience the desired effect.  The treatment …