When it comes to risk factors for Multiple Sclerosis there are many things to keep in mind. Risk factors for MS can be difficult to identify due to the fact that the prevalence of this disease varies from year to year and depending on who is submitting the facts. However, it is important to know that there are two and a half million people world wide affected by this disease. However, the prevalence of MS in each country does vary and scientists who study this prevalence think that there are three major factors that are responsible. For example, women are twice as likely as men to be afflicted by MS except for the pediatric situations. Although adults are mostly diagnosed by this, there are certain cases where children were diagnosed. In children, MS is mostly diagnosed in males especially until puberty. After puberty most patients diagnosed by this are women.

The three factors that scientists believe are responsible for the Multiple Sclerosis prevalence are genetics, environmental factors, as well as past infections. What researchers have found is that countries that are far from the equator have higher number of cases than those close to it. Also, prevalence of cases varies by race. Lapps of northern Scandinavian countries and Maoris of New Zealand have very low number of MS cases; however people of Viking and Scottish descent have much higher percentage of MS cases.

The risk of developing MS is higher when some viruses are involved. Certain childhood infections can make it more likely for a person to develop MS later on. For example, the Epstein-Barr virus can increase the chance that a person will get MS, as well as the viruses responsible for herpes and chicken pox.


Reducing Risks When Possible


Some people who have higher risk factors worry more about developing MS. For example, a lack of vitamin D can cause symptoms such as muscles that cramp up, painful, achy, spastic, and weak muscles that may show signs of wasting. In people who are diagnosed by MS and depending on how far the illness has progressed there could be multiple symptoms and signs instead of just one. For example, most people notice numbness, tingling, or weakness in one or more limbs, and a lack of vitamin D can make these signs worse. This is why it is important to get the recommended amount of vitamin D.

Risk factors for MS can amount to something as mundane as a vitamin deficiency. When it comes to risk factors for multiple sclerosis it has been found that they increase for people who live in countries with cloudy climates. This is because sunlight helps the body create its own vitamin D. It is easiest to simply get enough sunshine but sometimes the sun can do a lot of damage to sensitive skin so a vitamin supplement may be the way to go. Many researchers now believe that there is a real link between MS and vitamin D.