An MS infection is possible to prevent, especially if it is a Multiple Sclerosis infection of the urinary tract. It isn’t uncommon for a person with MS to experience a number of UTIs over the years. The presence of Multiple Sclerosis increases the chance of a UTI occurring. This is due to the bladder dysfunction caused by MS, which could include anything from incontinence to stagnate urine. Issues with incontinence don’t tend to bring about as many urinary tract infections as stagnate urine does, but the preventative method for incontinence might lead to UTIs as well.

Restricting the amount of liquids consumed can alleviate the need to visit the restroom multiple times in a short period of time, but the lack of liquids in the bladder can cause an infection in the urinary tract. Drinking cranberry juice tends to reduce the risk of UTIs, even in small quantities, which might help an individual experiencing incontinence. If a urinary tract infection does occur, it needs to be treated as soon as possible, so as to avoid any additional complications. A doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to help get rid of the bacteria causing the infection. However, many antibiotics used to eliminate UTIs can increase fatigue in an MS patient.


Medications and Risks of UTIs


Common medications prescribed for UTIs include; sulfamethoxazole, SMX-TMP, ciprofloxacin, or phenazopridine.  Before any of these drugs are taken, the doctor will have to check to see if any current medications will cause a conflict within the patient’s system. Drinking cranberry juice or taking a supplement of powdered cranberry in capsule form might work as a preventative for most people. In fact, many doctors will recommend this regime to those who are prone to UTIs. It’s a good idea to check with a doctor before starting this preventative though, since some medications taken for thinning the blood can be affected by cranberry juice. Additional types of drugs can also be affected by the intake of cranberry juice and high doses of this type of juice causes an array of symptoms in people. Nausea, diarrhea, and kidney stones have all been known to occur when too much cranberry juice is consumed.

Find out what doctor recommendations for avoiding an MS infection of the urinary tract are before trying something out on your own. Preventing a Multiple Sclerosis infection of the urinary tract should be done with great care and notify your doctor right away if any complications arise.