MS Symptoms

MS Symptoms in Men

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the nerves of both men and women. MS symptoms in men can be severe or mild, depending on the pain threshold of the individual, the progression of the disease, and the types of medications being taken to prevent relapses or decrease the affect of symptoms. Men can experience a decrease in vision with MS. Images become blurred, doubled, or poor eyesight in general. The age of the patient also needs to be taken into consideration, since eyesight tends to deteriorate overtime anyway with most people.

Tingling and numbness in extremities is an early sign during the onset of MS. Some men experience these symptoms and attribute them to being overworked or tired from a hard day. Occasionally these symptoms can be accompanied by what feels like an electric shock or a pinched nerve. These symptoms can come and go for many years …

The MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Stress Connection

The MS stress connection has been studied over the years, but the results haven’t been agreed on by everyone. Multiple Sclerosis stress research showed relapses to be more prevalent among highly stressed MS patients in one two-year long study. Another study offered results showing a handful of parents who had lost a child actually developed MS. Whether everyone agrees on the outcome of these two particular studies or not, the important thing is to reduce stress from your life as much as possible. The body of an MS patient is already at odds with itself, so there’s no sense in aggravating the current situation by adding stress into the picture.

Stress is never a good thing as it is, whether you have Multiple Sclerosis or not. The body learns to deal with stress over time, but only to a certain extent. Once you’ve reached a threshold your body considers to …

Signs of MS “Multiple Sclerosis” Heat Intolerance

Long ago, a MS heat intolerance test was performed on people suspected of having MS. Multiple Sclerosis heat intolerance was tested with a hot bath. When the patient was submerged into a bath of hot water, neurologic symptoms were observed. If the symptoms became exacerbated, then the patient was suspected of having MS. Once MRIs became available, the ‘hot bath’ test was no longer necessary.

Due to the build-up of plaque on nerve cells where the immune system has stripped the myelin sheath off, the nerve functions are slowed down. Heat actually slows down already sluggish functions even more so. For some MS patients, the rise in temperature can be as small as a quarter of a degree to aggravate symptoms.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis heat sensitivity include blurred vision, tremors, fatigue, memory problems, numbness, an overall weakness, and difficulty with cognitive function. Some patients are more sensitive to a …

The Side Effects of Multiple Sclerosis Medications

It’s best to learn about common side effects of Multiple Sclerosis medications before taking any of them. Whichever meds your doctor prescribes for MS, a pamphlet or information sheet should be supplied with it. If the doctor doesn’t provide you with this information, then the pharmacy will when the prescription is filled. The details for your meds need to be read before you take the first dose. Since most MS meds are injectable, there is always the possibility that a reaction will be seen at the injection site. This could be anything from redness to swelling.

Interferon-1a and 1b both have similar side effects; the redness and swelling mentioned previously, as well as itching at the injection site. A less common, yet brief reaction to these meds causes the chest to tighten, heart to race, difficulty breathing, and it feel similar to a panic attack. This type of reaction will …

Understanding MS and the cause of spasticity multiple sclerosis (MS).

Multiple sclerosis cases in which spasticity is a primary and most severe symptom are often known as spasticity multiple sclerosis. Spasticity is when muscle control is less than accurate, and movement can only occur in short bursts. Further symptoms of general spasticity are uncontrollable muscle movements and twitches which can disrupt motor skills and possibly cause injury.

Unfortunately like any case of MS, spasticity MS can’t be cured with some drug or chemical treatment. However, promising research by specialists will soon change the permanence of MS altogether.

In order to combat this spasticity properly, one should understand what MS actually is and why it causes the many different symptoms associated with it. MS is one of those diseases with a lot of myth and misgivings about it, and it is high time that the world enlighten itself about this increasingly common and nasty disease.

MS is caused by demyelination. …

Understanding the importance of multiple sclerosis fatigue treatment.

Multiple sclerosis fatigue treatment is one of the most sought-after MS treatment subsets today. This is for a good reason, considering multiple sclerosis fatigue is one of the most severe and common symptoms of MS.

Unfortunately, as MS becomes a more common illness as generations pass, few people seem to truly understand this disease. People still take the myths about this disease to be truths without question, and therefore the myths and legends about MS continue to endure – this worsens things.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that is caused when the insular material around nerves, called myelin, begins to break down and form holes. This process is known as demyelination. This process itself is not painful, nor is an individual even aware of the process directly. However, as the nerves lose their insulation, the electrical signals to the body begin to diminish. When this happens, the various parts of …

Understanding MS (multiple sclerosis) temperature through understanding MS.

MS temperature is one of the big concerns with the onset and prevalence of multiple sclerosis in the human body. Both the body temperature can be affected by MS, but also temperatures around a body can affect the increase of MS symptoms and advancing of the disease.

Multiple sclerosis temperature is something that can only be dealt with proactively. But, in order to understand why temperature affects or is affected by MS, one must first understand the disease itself. There are a lot of myths about this disease that need to be dispelled as well.

The human body is a machine, ultimately. Like any other machine, it is the sum of its parts, each one serving specific sets of purposes. The nervous system is the body’s electrical system and computer network. Like any wiring system, it needs insulation to preserve the electrical supply as well as signal integrity.

Unfortunately, in …

Understanding MS and the truth about MS onset age.

MS onset age is one of the many aspects of multiple sclerosis that is misunderstood. Myths about MS are often taken to be fact by general people, and as a result, the disease is often more dangerous and problematic due to these misgivings.

People think the average age of MS onset is over 60, which is not true whatsoever. Many cases of MS in children have been documented, and the disease is now known to be able to manifest in pretty much anyone. There is some debate on whether or not the disease is hereditary (not unlike debates over this in cancer).

One of the biggest problems is that people don’t really understand what MS is, or why it causes such body-wide problems in the first place.


Understanding MS and knowing why there’s no definite MS onset age.


The age of MS onset is hard to pinpoint with …

Understanding MS and why it causes MS numbness.

Multiple sclerosis is a terrible disease, and MS numbness is one of the less dangerous but more troublesome symptoms of this disease. MS is an increasingly-diagnosed disease as time progresses, and there is a lot of effort being put into curing this disease. There is no drug to cure the disease, unfortunately. However, more natural, medically-wise research is soon to change how curable MS really is.

The thing is, many people don’t really understand what this disease is, and this leads to a lot of myths and misgivings about how it works and who is vulnerable to it. Like some other illnesses (Alzheimer’s, arthritis), this disease is often accused of being something that only affects the elderly or already very ill.

But like the aforementioned diseases, MS can affect anyone. MS is actually a nerve problem, where the insulator material around them (myelin) begins to break down and develop holes …

The Cause of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Balance Problems.

MS balance problems are one of the most common and potentially hazardous symptoms of the multiple sclerosis disease. People with multiple sclerosis balance problems tend to have more of a likelihood of falling and injuring themselves, as well as other vertigo and dizziness-related injuries that can occur in daily life.

Unfortunately, many people, even sufferers of MS, aren’t really up to grips with what this disease really is, or why it is capable of being such a scourge to the health of anybody. There are a lot of myths about this disease that are at face value taken to be true by people. This isn’t uncommon with troublesome diseases in today’s world.

Now is a good opportunity to take a look at what this disease really is, and why it causes such horrible problems as MS balance difficulties.

We all know that the human nervous system carries signals and electrical …

The myths about multiple sclerosis onset.

The multiple sclerosis onset  is one of the many things that is often misunderstood or misrepresented. Primarily, the multiple sclerosis onset age is one of the things that is often believed to be a specific factor, when in truth this couldn’t be further from reality.

This is just one of the aspects of multiple sclerosis that is misinterpreted, or wrongly believed by people in the modern world. To properly understand the multiple sclerosis onset symptoms, and who us susceptible to multiple sclerosis, it’s time to actually understand this disease better.

The first key to understanding multiple sclerosis is to understand the purpose and nature of the human nervous system. It serves to primary purposes simultaneously that can be compared to machine components everyone is familiar with. First, it serves as an electrical system, distributing power from the brain and spinal column to the various components of the body, so they …

The causes of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) tingling.

MS tingling is one of the most common physical symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Unfortunately, given the nature of MS, it’s hard to directly diagnose which of many things causes multiple sclerosis tingling from one case to the next. However, this isn’t to say that an understanding of MS in general can’t help to take preventative measures.

Multiple sclerosis is a nerve disorder primarily. The nervous system of the human body serves two purposes of significant importance. First, the nervous system carries electrical energy throughout the body to power the various components that make up a human being. In this sense, it is the electrical system of the body.

In another sense, it is also basically a computer network, carrying signals to and from the brain and organs in a steady rhythm.

Not unlike any other form of wiring, the nervous system has a critical layer of insulation to help the …

Understanding why the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) symptom checklist is so extensive

Those who suffer from multiple sclerosis or know a victim of this disease should not be without an extensive multiple sclerosis symptom checklist.

The difficulty for many is that this disease has a tremendously wide spectrum of symptoms that vary from patient to patient in severity, and not all patients have every symptom that has been observed with the disease.

The problem is that this disease is one of the misunderstood diseases of the modern world alongside others such as arthritis and Alzheimer’s. While its causes and dangers are not parallel to the aforementioned diseases, it shares the same characteristic of being blindly labeled as an age-related disease which affects only the elderly or feeble.

This isn’t true, as this disease can affect anyone regardless. Unfortunately, few people seem to have much of an understanding of this disease, or why it has so many symptoms. This can also make …

Avoiding MS (Multiple Sclerosis) exacerbations by understanding MS.

Multiple sclerosis is one of the meanest diseases known today, and many MS sufferers have their lives yet worsened by unwitting MS exacerbations. This is where the symptoms of the disease and its root severity are worsened or aggravated by something a person mistakenly does.

The biggest way to avoid multiple sclerosis exacerbations is of course to understand the disease as best as one can without being a doctor. In that vein, it is time to set the record straight about a few MS myths, and get a firm grip on what this unfortunate illness actually is.

Multiple sclerosis earned its name from the Latin word scleroses, which means scars. There’s a logical reason for this too. At its heart, MS is the result of a tissue around nerves called myelin developing scars and holes. This is called demyelination. This would seem at first glance to be a …

Understanding the causes of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) depression.

MS depression is one of the most severe but often underestimated symptoms of multiple sclerosis, and there are several contributing factors to this. Multiple sclerosis, of course, is one of the most widely-symptomatic illnesses known in modern medicine.

Multiple sclerosis depression is caused by a couple different factors. To really understand either one, it’s first important to understand MS in general, and how its very nature contributes to MS depression to begin with.

Multiple sclerosis is in fact a disease that is sourced in a nerve disorder.  The human nervous system acts as both a computer network and an electrical system for the body. Like any other wiring system, it therefore needs proper insulation in order for the electrical power and signals to maintain integrity.

Nerves are coated in a substance called myelin, a fatty material. In MS, this material develops holes and begins to degrade at varying rates. As …

Categories of MS Symptoms

There are three categories of MS symptoms; primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary symptoms can lead to secondary symptoms and both of these can then lead to tertiary ones. This chain reaction all starts with the immune system of the body. MS develops when the immune system begins attacking nerve cells, causing lesions in the brain, on the spinal cord, along the optic nerves, or in all three locations. As the nerve cells are being attacked, they are being stripped of their myelin coating, or sheath. This sheath is used to help conduct electrical signals more effectively.

Without their outer cover fully intact, nerve cells are unable to send signals efficiently. The brain, spinal cord, or optic nerves are affected in various ways as the signals are lost.

As for primary symptoms, which are the symptoms connected directly to the stripping of the myelin coating, these can include loss of …

Recognizing a Multiple Sclerosis “MS” Symptom

Knowing what Multiple Sclerosis symptom to look for before a diagnosis is sought is difficult. An MS symptom could easily come and go for days, weeks, months, or even years before an individual decides to consult a doctor. There isn’t only one list of symptoms either, which can make it difficult to narrow the select down. It’s best to know about all the symptoms and take note as to when they happen, how long they occur, how severe they are, and what length of time they last. A doctor will find this information useful when you go in with questions.

Primary symptoms are the ones noticed early on and are caused by the attacks being made on nerve cells within the body. MS is an autoimmune disease, which means the immune system is causing the disease instead of being helpful like it’s meant to be. Normally the white blood cells …

The Early MS Signs

The early MS signs experienced are usually due to the demyelination that has occurred within the body. This phenomenon is caused by the immune system, which is why Multiple Sclerosis is considered to be an autoimmune disease. The white blood cells, or T-cells, attack nerve cells within the brain, spinal cord, and even along the optic nerves. These attacks can cause all sorts of symptoms to arise; some more severe than others. Caucasian women between the ages of 20 to 40 and living in the temperate zones of the world are the highest at risk.

Men are still as physically affected by MS as women are, but there are nearly have as many men with MS as there are women. The initial signs are noticed once the nerve cells become stripped of their myelin sheath. MS patients have reported signs and symptoms coming and going for a long period of …

Multiple Sclerosis Sex Issues

Multiple Sclerosis brings about many physical changes in a person’s life, with one of these being sex. Multiple Sclerosis sex issues aren’t uncommon. Besides 75 percent of the male population with MS experiencing erectile dysfunction, there are still other issues regarding intimacy. A decreased libido actually occurs more in women than men. With the majority of MS patients being women, this means there quite possibly are a lot of women experiencing sexual avoidance, due to their low libido.

Avoiding intimacy and sex all together is sometimes how MS patients try to deal with this changing in their love life. Some become less affectionate with loved ones out of embarrassment, while others make excuses to avoid any kind of physical contact. Either of these methods of handling a loss in the desire to engage in an intimate act can put an enormous strain on a relationship, no matter how many years …

Medications for MS Pain Management

The only way to live with Multiple Sclerosis without hurting all the time is through MS pain management. Plenty of medications have been developed to reduce an assortment of aches, pains, burning sensations, etc. that are associated with MS. Regular over-the-counter pain relievers don’t work well for acute MS pain because the pain is associated with the central nervous system and not with muscles or joints.

The alternatives to OTCs are often anticonvulsant meds, but the FDA hasn’t given their final approval of these drugs for pain relief. Tegretol and Neurontin are two common anticonvulsants used to treat pain, in fact; Neurontin is prescribed more for pain than for seizures. These drugs for MS pain provide much relief for most patients.

More than a dozen anticonvulsant medications exist, each one with different side effects and effectiveness on pain in MS patients. Some side effects of these meds include dry …

Early Symptoms MS “Multiple Sclerosis” Commonly Produces

The early symptoms MS patients recollect are very similar in both men and women. The primary symptoms a person experiences are also known as the early symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. There are a total of three categories for MS symptoms; primary, secondary, and tertiary. The initial symptoms, or primary ones, are caused by demyelination of the nerve cells. As the immune system sends white blood cells to strip the outer covering off of the nerve cells, electrical signals become impaired.

Primary symptoms include numbness, tremors, weakness, bladder problems, loss of balance, inability to control the bowels, tingling, paralysis, or difficulty with the eyes. Secondary symptoms tend to arise from the primary ones. For example, paralysis is considered to be a primary symptom and this can cause a person to become bedridden. As a person is continuously confined to bed, sores might develop, which would be a secondary symptom.

Tertiary …

Diagnosis of CCSVI in MS “Multiple Sclerosis” Patients

Studies performed by an Italian doctor found there to be a connection between CCSVI in MS patients and the occurrence of MS. Dr Zamboni’s studies showed CCSVI in Multiple Sclerosis patients can be treated and provide people with MS relief from symptoms. In the study performed, 65 patients underwent an operation to alleviate CCSVI and 73 percent of this group no longer had MS symptoms after 2 years.

CCSVI stands for ‘chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency’. This condition causes blood in both the brain and spine to be unable to make it back to the heart. If the oxygen-depleted blood is left in the central nervous system, this condition can reach a chronic level.

To diagnose CCSVI an ultrasound is taken of the veins in various parts of the head and neck. With the help of the specialized extracranial and transcranial Doppler sonography, a set of 5 criteria are used. Only …

The Beginning Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Vary in Each Individual

There are many beginning symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis which let people know they need to see a doctor right away. The immune system actually causes the beginning symptoms of MS. Multiple Sclerosis is considered to be an autoimmune disease because the body’s immune system is at fault for damaging nerves within the body. Genetics, environmental factors, hormones, and viruses are some of the instigators of MS. The immune system is designed to fend off illnesses and help the body to remain healthy. In the case of MS, the immune system damages the nerves of the brain and spinal cord, thus causing a number of problems.

Sclerosis basically means ‘scar tissue’, which is how MS got its name. This disease damages brain and spinal cord nerves to the point where multiple scars or lesions are covering the surface. These lesions can sometimes be seen in an MRI scan, but they …

The Significance of MS Lesions

Lesions are basically scars caused by any number of things; trauma, illness, or infection, just to name a few. MS lesions are scars caused by the demyelination of nerves in the spinal cord and brain. As more damage occurs, the number of lesions increases, which tends to be the case as Multiple Sclerosis advances.

Doctors are able to determine how much damage is done by the number and size of the lesions seen. MRI pictures of MS lesions help a doctor get a better idea of how much demyelination has already occurred and which lesions have reactivated. Of course there are always instances where nerves have been damaged and then remyelinated themselves. When this happens, the lesion may not show up at all.

The effects of MS Lesions on Brain

An abundance of lesions on the brain can sometimes cause certain symptoms to arise. Brain lesions cause changes in the …

Typical MS Symptoms in Women

MS can be a debilitating condition if left untreated. Twice as many women than men are affected with this autoimmune condition. Common MS symptoms in women can be detected early and medical attention should be sought right away. Early symptoms include; blurry vision, seeing double, weakness in limbs, numbness, tingling, fatigue, and a loss of balance.

Each of these symptoms can have a huge impact on daily life. Not being able to see clearly affects activities that provide women with a sense of independence, such as driving. It’s difficult to be an independent woman who suddenly needs to rely on the aid of others to function normally. Weak limbs and a loss of balance limit mobility, which can cause severe discouragement and depression.

MS symptoms may appear once and never happen again afterwards. Each person’s body reacts to this disease differently. As long as you are aware of what the …

The Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Early Signs to Look for

MS isn’t a disease to be trifled with. An early diagnosis is important for you to remain in good health. There are a few Multiple Sclerosis symptoms early signs to be aware of. Knowing what to look for will enable you to get the medical attention needed in time to prevent symptoms from becoming more severe. Additional complications can occur when MS symptoms are ignored.

Changes in vision or pain when moving the eyes about are extremely common warning signs of Multiple Sclerosis. If you should begin to experience either of these symptoms, visit your doctor as soon as possible. Optic neuritis is the source of eye pain or vision changes in an MS patient. Thankfully, this condition can be treated with medication to prevent it from worsening.

Additional early Multiple Sclerosis symptoms signs to know about are a loss of strength, a change in personality, difficulty breathing, loss of …

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