Tag: what is Multiple Sclerosis disease

What is Multiple Sclerosis Disease?

What is Multiple Sclerosis disease? Simply put, it’s an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. Of course, there’s nothing simple about the disease itself. As for what causes Multiple Sclerosis disease exactly, it’s the reaction the immune system has to the nerves. The immune systems job is to protect the body from viruses, infections, and other illness that make a person ill. However, when it comes to MS, the immune system is actually at fault for causing the disease in the first place. The white blood cells of the immune system attack nerve cells and cause the outer coating to be stripped away. This outer cover on nerve cells is called a ‘myelin sheath’ and is needed to aid in transmitting nerve impulses between the body and the brain.

Without the sheath in place, the signals are weakened or lost altogether. When the brain and body …

What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Disease

Being diagnosed with MS leads most people to question what is Multiple Sclerosis, so they know what to expect. Knowing what is MS disease includes learning about the cause, symptoms, and how to deal with it. MS is a complicated disease in many ways. First of all, it is difficult to diagnose, due to the plethora of symptoms and how each is very similar to those displayed in other diseases. An onset of MS symptoms is usually the reason a diagnosis is sought in the first place. The reasons for each symptom have to do with the way the immune system reacts within the body.

Instead of battling infections, bacteria, viruses, or other illnesses, the white blood cells begin attacking healthy nerve cells instead. As more and more damage is done to the myelin sheath on these cells, inflammation occurs and lesions are formed. An MRI scan makes it …

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