Tag: side effects of MS

The Different Side Effects of MS Medications

Like many other medications for other diseases and disorders, there are side effects of MS treatments.  Unfortunately, side effects from these medications can be more complicated, since these medications often need to be delivered either through an intravenous drip or through home injection.  This is why people need to be aware of the side effects that can occur while using these medications so that they can alert their doctor or other medical professional if they begin to experience any problems.  Side effects of MS medication can range from being mild to serious, so they should always be monitored and discussed with a professional to ensure they can be treated and do not worsen.

Some side effects of MS medication can include flu-like symptoms, such as fever, chills, unusual sweating, muscle aches and pains, and extreme fatigue.  These tend to be common with injections or intravenous treatments.  These symptoms are typically …

Physical Side Effects of MS (Multiple Sclerosis)

The side effects of MS are difficult to handle. These side effects of Multiple Sclerosis occur because the body’s own immune system attacks the nerve cells of the brain and the spinal cord. These particular attacks cause the demyelination of nerve cells, which means that the outer covering used to conduct electrical signals is stripped off the cells. After too much of the sheath is stripped off by the white blood cells nerve damage occurs. The brain itself is safe as normally these white blood cells, known as ‘T-cells’, can’t get that far.

What happens after the cells become stripped of their covering is that they are no longer able to conduct electrical signals effectively. This lack of communication, so to speak, causes a lot of trouble within the body. The symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis vary in intensity but include the following: loss of balance, lack of coordination, numbness, tingling, …

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