Tag: overcoming ms

Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis (MS) With Understanding.

Overcoming multiple sclerosis (MS) isn’t impossible. Despite no drug curing the disease (as is the case even when a disease is cured sometimes), there are ways to put the disease into remission, and to reduce the symptoms it produces. Surprisingly, they’re simple healthy habits for the most part.

Many people believe that overcoming multiple sclerosis (MS) isn’t something simple natural things can help with, but once you understand the disease and how it works, and then look at the techniques for suppressing it, you’ll realize it’s logical.

Multiple sclerosis is the result of nerves being unable to conduct pulses between the brain and the body due to the insulation around them (myelin) breaking down. As a result, the organs, machinery in the body, don’t get enough power and become far less responsive.

Due to this communications and power breakdown in one’s machinery, the symptoms of MS are all over the …

Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis is as much a state of mind as it is a treatment regimen

The secret to overcoming Multiple Sclerosis may perhaps be that there is no secret.  The answer probably doesn’t lie in a magical drug cure waiting in the wings, or in a single treatment method under trial.  Many decades of research and untold millions of dollars later, the outlook for overcoming MS is better than it was in, say, 1980.  But the pharmaceutical industry has only come up with some drugs to help with symptoms or increase the time between relapses.

It seems that more patients are finding comfort and, in fact, overcoming multiple sclerosis by taking a more holistic approach to modify the course of the disease.  The literature is full of evidence that Multiple Sclerosis is a disease brought on in large part by modern lifestyle and mostly in the developed countries.  And this holistic approach has helped them to both control their disease and prevent themselves from living …

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