There are very few Multiple Sclerosis therapies that exist today. These MS therapies are usually dictated by the few medicines that can help slow down the progression of the disease. Currently, most of these FDA approved medications must be given via injection, with the exception of fingolimod, which is an oral medication. Interferon beta, fingolimod, glatiramer, natalizumab, and mitoxantrone have proven to modify the disease. The good news is that a new Multiple Sclerosis medicine is being studied at the moment, and that this medication has high hopes of receiving FDA approval by the end of 2012. This drug is also administered orally, just like fingolimod. MS patients enjoy having the option to take disease-modifying meds orally instead of via injection. This new medication hopes to achieve not only an increase in patient comfort, but also a decrease in side effects experienced by MS patients around the world.

Fingolimod has …