Some patients have symptoms that are not directly related to their MS. Swollen lymph nodes are a perfect example of such symptoms. The multiple sclerosis-swollen lymph nodes coincidence has been shown to be meaningful in certain contexts.

First of all, it is important to establish what causes the lymph nodes to swell. Various factors have been implicated in the development of swollen lymph nodes. They include bacterial and viral infections of various kinds, some autoimmune diseases, and certain forms of cancer. These conditions can all impact healthy patients as well as patients who are suffering from MS. Hence, it is not unusual for patients to experience the MS-swollen lymph nodes coincidence. The concurrence of the two conditions may be a coincidence with no causal relationship. Alternatively, the multiple sclerosis-swollen lymph nodes coincidence may be significant enough to imply a relationship between the two conditions. As you will see below, this …