Tag: Multiple Sclerosis Seizures

Why Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Seizures Occur

While no specific causes of multiple sclerosis seizures have been proven, there are many different speculations that researchers have for why they occur.  The biggest theory is that MS seizures are caused by the lesions that grow on the brain in the chronic neurological disease.  These lesions can disrupt signals that are transmitted through the brain, causing seizures.  The more lesions there are or the bigger the lesions are, the more seizures a person may have.  The seizures may also be more violent in nature.  An MRI can tell a medical professional if a patient has many lesions on their brain and how big they are, giving them an idea if they are going to be prone to seizures or not.

Another reason that seizures can occur in patients with multiple sclerosis is because their nervous system is damaged.  This damage is caused because of the process of demyelination.  This …

What Can Cause MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Seizures

The causes of MS seizures are not currently completely understood, but there are several possibilities that could explain why people with the chronic neurological disease could experience seizures.  Multiple sclerosis seizures could be caused by the lesions that grow on the brain during multiple sclerosis.  These lesions can interrupt signals that are being transmitted throughout the brain, causing intermittent seizures from time to time, similar to those caused by brain tumors.  Another possibility has to do with the nervous system.  During multiple sclerosis, the nervous system is damaged through a process called demyelination.  This process damages the myelin sheath surrounding the nerves, causing the nervous system to send signal erratically.  This can also be a potential cause of seizures.

Seizures do not affect everyone with multiple sclerosis.  In fact, only about two to five percent of people with the disease will experience them.  The seizures tend to be mild and …

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