While Botulinum toxin is not indicated for it, MS Botox treatment has been more widely used lately for its purported relief of Spasticity as it relates to Multiple Sclerosis.  There are three types of the neurotoxin available for therapeutic use.  Your doctor will have to decide which of the three might be appropriate for your Multiple Sclerosis Botox treatment.  The FDA has not yet approved Botox for MS spasticity, but that hasn’t stopped patients desperate for any kind of relief they can get from the debilitating disease.  But closely related to MS, Botox has been approved to treat a similar condition noted for repetitive contraction of the neck muscles known as cervical dystonia.


Just what is Spasticity?


Spasticity is a wide range of completely involuntary muscle contractions that result in stiffness and muscle contractions.  It interferes with normal muscle movement and mostly involves the leg and arm muscles.  …