Sometimes the choice of therapy to treat your disease is as hard as fighting it.  The MS Avonex alternative is another of the myriad of choices you’ll need to make.  Some of the other drugs that fall in the same category as Multiple Sclerosis Avonex therapy are the so called CRAB drugs.  The other drugs in this same class, which are all shown to be about equal in their effectiveness of reducing relapses are Copaxone, Rebif, Avonex, and Betaseron.  They all reduce relapses by about 30 – 35% in RRMS patients.  One advantage MS Avonex therapy has is that it is only injected once weekly, compared to as many as 7 times weekly for some of the others.    This fact alone is enough to make up some patients mind at first.


MS Avonex effectiveness and side effects


The findings from extensive trials are that the relapse rate was …