Tag: multiple sclerosis and headaches

Multiple Sclerosis and Headaches

Multiple sclerosis and headaches are not always associated. Many multiple sclerosis patients are relatively headache free, except when their medications trigger side effects that include headaches. Multiple sclerosis patients may also sometimes experience headaches that are triggered by their medical condition. When this happens, these headaches might be referred to as multiple sclerosis headaches.

“Multiple sclerosis headaches” is not a clinical term. It’s simply a convenient way of describing those headaches that develop directly or indirectly as a result of multiple sclerosis. Various types of headaches, distinct in their presentation, fall into this category. They include optic neuritis headaches, depression headaches, cluster headaches, migraines and tension headaches.


On Various Types of Headaches and Multiple Sclerosis


It is fitting to begin this elaboration on multiple sclerosis and headaches with the description of optic neuritis headaches, because damage to the optic nerve and its effect on the functioning of the …

An overview of MS and headaches or multiple sclerosis and headaches

There are many different symptoms of MS, which is a degenerative condition that can lead to cellular damage in different parts of the body. Multiple sclerosis and headaches or MS and headaches are a direct result of the neurological imbalances present in the brain and nervous system. MS and headaches can come in the form of migraines and cluster headaches which can be detrimental to the person’s well-being. Multiple sclerosis and headaches may cause the sufferer to see an aura or blurred vision accompanied with sensitivity to light. This may instigate other well-known symptoms such as vertigo, nausea and even vomiting in the most severe conditions. The individual may experience throbbing on one or both sides of the head following some residual pain due to the headache. These symptoms can last anywhere from 4 to 12 hours.


Multiple Sclerosis Headaches


Researchers have documented the links between multiple sclerosis …

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