Tag: MS vision

MS Vision Problems

For those suffering from MS, vision problems are often among the first symptoms to manifest. They could even play a primary role in the diagnosis of the disease. However, these vision problems are not restricted to MS patients. They could occur in association with other medical conditions.

MS vision problems come in different forms. They include optic neuritis, diplopia, nystagmus, and other eye conditions. These are distinct visual problems. Hence, it is important to have a general understanding of what each one is and why it develops.


Types of MS Vision Problems


Optic neuritis, the first of the MS vision symptoms listed, results when the optic nerve experiences both demyelination and inflammation as multiple sclerosis progresses. The optic nerve is a nerve that transmits signals from the eye’s retina to the brain. In this way, visual information is conveyed to the brain, which translates it into images: the …

Understainding MS and why there are MS(multiple sclerosis) vision problems.

MS vision problems are one of the more intimidating and harder to treat symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is an increasingly common illness, and in some cases it can be fatal. Even in the mildest case, though, MS is a disease that makes life pretty miserable. There is no drug to cure MS. However, recent breakthroughs soon to be published will change how fatal and how permanent MS is for anyone who contracts it.

In order to deal with or reduce the risks of multiple sclerosis vision problems, however, one needs to understand this disease. Like many common dangerous diseases in today’s society, though, MS is misunderstood. There are many mistruths about MS that are taken to be facts by average people. As a result, MS is more fatal and damaging than it needs to be.

First of all, this disease can affect anyone. It’s a common misconception that …

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