Anxious and strange feelings and sensations are nothing new but MS Solu Medrol corticosteroid therapy can increase these feelings of anxiety.  Since MS affects the neurologic systems, a drug that affects the neural pathways can easily increase anxious and other feelings.

Multiple Sclerosis Solu Medrol therapy is an intravenous corticosteroid given in high doses daily for up to a week at a time. It is usually used as an emergency treatment for acute exacerbations.  And while it does nothing at all to affect the course or progress of the disease, it does make the length of the relapse much shorter by stopping the inflammation in short order and closing the blood-brain barrier.  Multiple Sclerosis Solu Medrol therapy uses the liquid form of methyl prednisone, which induces chemical changes in specific neurons, sometimes weakening, sometimes strengthening these pathways crucial to regulating these feelings.  It is no surprise then that this chemical …