MS Primary Progressive differs from the other 3 types of MS in the way the symptoms present themselves. Multiple Sclerosis Primary Progressive is commonly referred to as PPMS. This autoimmune disease is a more advanced stage of Relapsing Remitting MS. There aren’t any real breaks between relapses and remissions in PPMS, the way there is with RRMS. The disease seems to get worse over time and causes neurologic functions to become worse as the disease progresses. The rate at which progression occurs is usually rather steady.

People who have gone from RRMS to PPMS might become fearful of what the future holds. The vast amount of research done over the years has enabled MS patients in all stages of the disease to continue living long, happy lives. Only around 10 to 15 percent of MS patients develop PPMS and it affects both men and women at an equal rate. This …