Tag: MS myelin sheath

Multiple Sclerosis Myelin Sheath damage the culprit

To understand the role Multiple Sclerosis Myelin Sheath damage plays in the symptoms and destruction of quality of life for MS patients, you must start with some basic understanding of the Central Nervous System. The CNS consists of regions of white matter and grey matter. The white matter is responsible for communication between the grey matter, where the “processing of signals” is done.

The neurons in this white matter tissue are the ones usually attacked in multiple sclerosis. This kind of neuron is a long thin cell with a bulb-like head called a soma, which contains the cell nucleus and also a long, thin strand called an axon. The soma has tendrils called dendrites growing out of it.

The axon of one neuron connects to the tendrils of other neurons by a connection called a synapse. Signals or impulses travel down the axon and then are transmitted to other neurons …

Signs of Multiple Sclerosis “MS” Myelin Sheath Damage

Multiple sclerosis myelin sheath damage is one of the major reasons to get diagnosed early. MS myelin sheath is the part of the body affected by this devastating disease. It is important to remember that the symptoms of MS may manifest over a period of many years and that it is important to know when to see a doctor. An early diagnosis will mean that the patient will have a chance to get the right medication to help with the symptoms and to stop the progression of this disease.

There are a multitude of symptoms of MS but most people experience some of the following: tingling and numbness of a limb or of the face, a loss of balance, double or blurry vision, or weakness in the arms, legs, hands, or feet. There may be some additional, yet less common, symptoms such as: cognitive difficulties, slurred speech, lack of coordination, …

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