Doctors working at an MS clinic are able to diagnose different types of MS at any stage. However, even with the assortment of tests and careful observation of symptoms, diagnosing MS can still be quite difficult. For example, there are over 50 symptoms that have been connected to MS. Depending on the form of Multiple Sclerosis in a patient, these symptoms can last for days, weeks, or years at a time. Some of the tests used to check for MS are blood tests, a spinal tap, an MRI, and neurological tests. Once doctors diagnose MS, they must then decide which of the 4 types of MS is present.

These 4 forms of MS are differentiated by the absence or presence of remission and relapse cycles, as well as by how progressive the disease has become. Relapsing-Remitting MS subtype presents with steady cycles of relapse and remission. The individual patient usually …