To receive reimbursement for diagnosis, the ICD 9 code for Multiple Sclerosis has to be added to the claim by the company issuing the reimbursement. 340 is the ICD 9 code for MS diagnoses, but MS patients don’t need to know this code in order to submit a reimbursement claim. Companies specializing in medical billing have a long list of ICD 9 codes which are attached to claims for reimbursement of all types of illnesses. Each illness is given a specific code and often subcategories under a main illness are issued the same code number.

For instance, not only does a diagnosis for MS receive the 340 code, but also any other illness that happens to fall under the specific diagnosis definition for this same code. 340 is used for medical billing of a chronic disease with the following characteristics; a “pins and needles” feeling somewhere in the body, lack …