Sclerosis means scarring; in MS it is in multiple places, but in clinically isolated syndrome or CIS MS it is in one area. The scarring, known as demyelination, is damage to the myelin sheath which is a protective fatty substance that surrounds and protects nerve cells within the spinal cord and brain.


Symptoms of Clinically isolated syndrome or CIS


In most cases clinically isolated syndrome symptoms occur in one of the three main areas and these are the spinal cord, known as transverse myelitis, optic nerve, known as optic neuritis and the brainstem known as brainstem syndrome.

Spinal Cord – This occurs when scarring happens on both sides of the spinal cord, onset can be very sudden and appear within a few hours or more gradually over a couple of weeks. Symptoms depend on which part of the spinal cord is affected; however, common symptoms include muscle weakness, …