There is no doubt that multiple sclerosis paralysis or MS paralysis is one of the most disabling symptoms of MS. People who are suffering from multiple sclerosis constantly live under the fear of getting paralyzed. No one wants to have their hand, legs or any other body part to be paralyzed; therefore MS paralysis is probably one of the most terrifying outcomes of MS.

One of the reasons why Multiple Sclerosis is considered so dangerous is because of the fact that absolutely no one is able to predict its progression. This unpredictability means that while one person who is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis could be in good health, meaning their level of disability is not high enough to hamper their everyday life, while another person with the same illness could have a faster progression and might reach disability in a matter of few years.


How to deal with multiple sclerosis paralysis


As always, exercise is vital, and even with Multiple Sclerosis it is highly recommended by doctors to stay active with regular exercise. A lot of things change within the body once a person is suffering from multiple sclerosis paralysis. Therefore, exercise routines needs to be set by a health trainer who is aware of multiple sclerosis paralysis, has a clear understanding of the symptoms the patient is suffering from, physical fitness level and overall health. Finding the right exercises for a person suffering from multiple sclerosis paralysis is not an easy task. It completely depends on the individual. Some find swimming easier, while others prefer jogging, aerobics and cardio. But the most important thing a person suffering from MS paralysis can do is to keep a regular contact with a healthcare specialist, along with a good trainer, to find the best exercises for their individual conditions.


Different types of multiple sclerosis paralysis


MS paralysis is also known as paresis, which means mild or partial paralysis, caused due to weakening muscles. If paresis is found in both the legs then it is called paraparesis, and in case if it’s only on one leg, then it is called monoparesis. Similarly if paresis extends to all the four limbs of the body, then it is called quadraparesis, and in case if it’s limited to only one side of the body, then it’s called hemiparesis.