Multiple Sclerosis is a condition which attacks the brain, nervous system and autonomic functions of the body. MS vertigo or Multiple Sclerosis vertigo is a symptom of Multiple Sclerosis. There is no cure for Multiple Sclerosis; however, there are many ways to treat the symptoms of this condition.


Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis


Following are some of the common effects of MS vertigo:

  • Spinning
  • Dizziness
  • Panic
  • Falls
  • Unsteadiness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Unable to cope with crowd and supermarkets
  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Fatigue
  • Travel sickness
  • Blurred vision

Damage to the Pons, which is located in the region of the brainstem, where the acoustic cranial nerve arises, may cause MS vertigo.  Dizziness, fatigue or the sensations of the surroundings spinning are common symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis vertigo. The sensation is much like sea sickness or like after having a lot of alcohol. Along with these symptoms, MS vertigo or Multiple Sclerosis vertigo can also be accompanied by complete or partial loss of balance, also known as MS loss of balance. MS loss of balance can be aggravated by fast runs or fast movements. MS vertigo or Multiple Sclerosis vertigo becomes acute when the person is deprived of proprioception, touch or sight.


Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Vertigo


Medications can be used to treat MS vertigo, but it is recommended to be used only when the condition is severe and only for short term. Treatment entirely depends on what caused vertigo. In case of acute demyelinating plaque, Corticosteroids can be used. In case of BPPV, Repositioning maneuver can be used. In case of Labyrinthitis, Vestibular sedative medication or Vestibular rehabilitation can be used. In case of Multisensory, Vestibular rehabilitation can be used and in case of migraine, migraine medication can be used.

Following precautions must be followed while suffering from MS Vertigo:

  • Avoid biking or driving.
  • Always wear a helmet when motorcycling, biking or while playing any rough sport.
  • Avoid high elevations.
  • Avoid use of machinery or gadgets which could be harmful if MS vertigo occurs.
  • Avoid wearing shoes that have slippery soles or high heels.

MS vertigo would normally remit gradually within few weeks. Only in rare cases would it persist for long. However, in most cases it has left a residue of pronounced travel sickness and chronic dizziness.