Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the nerves of both men and women. MS symptoms in men can be severe or mild, depending on the pain threshold of the individual, the progression of the disease, and the types of medications being taken to prevent relapses or decrease the affect of symptoms. Men can experience a decrease in vision with MS. Images become blurred, doubled, or poor eyesight in general. The age of the patient also needs to be taken into consideration, since eyesight tends to deteriorate overtime anyway with most people.

Tingling and numbness in extremities is an early sign during the onset of MS. Some men experience these symptoms and attribute them to being overworked or tired from a hard day. Occasionally these symptoms can be accompanied by what feels like an electric shock or a pinched nerve. These symptoms can come and go for many years before a man is ever diagnosed with MS.

Paralysis is a rather alarming symptoms men have reported experiencing. It could be of a hand or foot, or it could include an entire leg or arm. Either way, this symptom raises a cause for concern in most men and a doctor is sought out right away. Sometimes the paralysis is associated with facial muscles and speech can become slurred. Memory loss can also occur when nerve pathways to the brain are damaged, but this is a rather late sign that appears after the MS has progressed.

Erectile dysfunction happens to close to 75 percent of the men diagnosed with MS. There is not only the loss of libido, but also of sensation to the genitalia. This symptom of MS can cause an increase in the amount of stress already felt. Papaverine and alprostadil have both shown to help with ED in men with MS. Additional symptoms include tremors, stiffness, loss of balance, lack of coordination, and loss of bowel or bladder control.


Managing MS after Diagnosis


Changes within lifestyle need to be made once a man is diagnosed with MS. A low-fat diet is best for MS patients, as well as adding in exercise into the daily routine, taking medications regularly, adjusting any medications when needed, getting a full night’s rest, and taking supplements in conjunction with eating healthy foods.

MS symptoms in men can be easily managed through the changes mentioned above. Planning for the future can eliminate some of the worry about what will become of you or your family if your disease takes a turn for the worse. Joining a support group can also help you manage your MS much easier.


Related links: Our MS site in yahoo | Our MS site on BOTW |