There are various sources of MS information. Among the obvious legitimate sources of multiple sclerosis information are medical professionals. Medical professionals, especially MS experts, are ideal sources of information about multiple sclerosis because they know much about the disease as medical scientists and also from the experience of having treated numerous MS patients. They are likely to have an understanding of the latest research and scientific knowledge on multiple sclerosis. If they are good at their jobs, they also know their patients’ medical histories well. Hence, they are aware of a variety of ways in which MS can present.


Other Sources of Information on Multiple Sclerosis


Medical professionals are not the only legitimate source of MS information. Furthermore, it is not always possible for a patient to have an MS expert walk him or her through every difficult moment of his or her condition. There are periods of time when MS patients feel alone in their suffering and need the reassurance that there are others who have gone through similar trials and survived them. Doctors cannot play this part much of the time because their profession demands a certain degree of detachment and they also have other time commitments. Because MS presents uniquely in each individual, patients do not have a roadmap to let them know what exactly lies ahead. It is not unusual for them to feel as if they’ve been set in the middle of a wilderness with no map or compass. With no way of knowing where the next lesion will appear or how fast they will progress to disability, patients need a strong support system.

An MS patient’s support system typically starts with his or her friends and family. These close, loved ones are often willing to do what they can to support them. This includes helping them with tasks at home, helping with finances, and making sure they can get around safely. Having a friend or sibling who is willing to provide rides to local MS support group meetings can make a huge difference in an MS patient’s life. MS patients’ loved ones can also take the initiative to seek multiple sclerosis information for their benefit. They can reach out to various organizations and request their publications; they can also surf websites, looking for valuable information about experimental MS treatments and non-conventional approaches to managing the condition. Helping in this way can make a big difference as MS patients often suffer from weakness, exhaustion and pain. Left to their own devices, they may be unable to initiate and follow up on various tasks.