MS analysis can refer to the process of analyzing data pertaining to a suspected MS-case, and determining the patient’s MS status. The data in question can be the patient’s medical history and the results of a series of tests to which the patient’s samples have been subjected. It can also refer to the genetic analysis of a patient’s chromosomes to determine whether the patient is genetically predisposed towards developing multiple sclerosis.

The term MS analysis is significant because it places emphasis on the the process of analysis. This implies that the doctor examining the information does not make an instantaneous determination about the patient’s condition based on minimal information. Rather, a significant amount of data is collected, reviewed and considered against a variety of possible diagnoses. Subsequently, a determination is made after the appropriate amount of consideration. The determination may be that the patient has multiple sclerosis, does not have multiple sclerosis, or needs to undergo one or two more tests before it can be conclusively stated that he or she has multiple sclerosis.


Genetic MS Analysis and Diagnostic MS Analysis


Genetic MS analysis is different from diagnostic MS analysis in some important ways. While the analysis of the series of diagnosis tests seeks to ultimately determine whether or not the person has multiple sclerosis to a reasonable degree of accuracy (and often succeeds at doing so when done properly), the analysis of the genetic tests seeks to determine whether a patient has a genetic predisposition towards developing multiple sclerosis.

The diagnostic analyses are conducted on patients who have MS-like symptoms and who are likely to end up being determined to have MS or some other neurological disorder. The genetic analysis may be performed on people who have MS or on those who don’t have it. And, ultimately, if the results are positive, all they really tell a patient is that he or she can develop MS under certain circumstances. They do not actually guarantee that the patient will, someday develop full-blown MS.

It seems that genetic MS analysis will be most useful in the future as a tool for prophylaxis. Perhaps one day children from families in which MS is an issue will be tested for MS-associated chromosomal changes. Those children who are determined to have the modified chromosomes could then be given the prescription to follow a diet and general lifestyle that will minimize their chances of developing MS. It is probably going to be a long time before that happens as genetic analysis is expensive. It makes most sense to simply promote the above diet and lifestyle to members of the general population.