From the video: ” I was diagnosed with MS about 3 issues ago… it scared me a lot that was a turn point in my life… God knows how many doctors I have seen I can’t remember the number… I have been told so many times “There is NO cure, there is NO cure”, “This is your life now” it was very depressing… My sister was looking online for a natural cure, at least a natural treatment… Of course I was skeptical, I mean, you can’t go to as much doctors as I have and not be skeptical but I honestly decided to give him a try… I started up on the treatment about 2.5 weeks ago and already I am starting to feel normal again. I never thought I would say that when I was first diagnosed… I no longer feel like the me with MS is the new me and the only me I feel like I am back to my old self… I don’t know what else to say… go ahead and try Dr Gary’s treatment it will change your life, it defiantly changed mine.”Second part video: “I can now verify that after almost 4 month of being under Dr Gary’s natural treatment I have no symptoms! I mean occasionally I do get a little tingly in my toes & slight numbness in my finger tips but other than that – NOTHING!, no more spasms, no more shocks when I lower my head, I am not tripping and stumbling over myself I feel NORMAL… I am simply blown away… I can run and jump…”